15 Shell Expansions
15.1 Wildcards
- Matches any sequence of characters.
- ? Matches a single character.
- […] Matches any character within the brackets.
- [^...] Matches any character NOT in the brackets.
15.2 Tilde Expansion
Tilde Expansion:
- ~ Expands to the home directory of the current user.
- ~username Expands to the home directory of the specified username.
15.3 Variable/Parameter Expansion
Shell variables are placeholders for storing data. When you reference a variable, the shell expands it to its stored value.
- $variable: Expands to the value of the specified variable.
- ${variable}: Use curly braces for disambiguation.
15.4 Command Substitution
Command substitution allows you to execute a command and replace it with its output. - $(command): Executes the command and substitutes its output.
files_count=$(ls -l | wc -l) echo "Number of files: $files_count"
15.5 Arithmetic Expansion
Arithmetic expressions enclosed in double parentheses $((…)) are evaluated and the result is expanded.
Prints: y is 10
x=5 y=$((x * 2)) echo "y is $y"
15.6 Brace Expansion
Brace expansion generates multiple strings by specifying a sequence or multiple options inside curly braces.
{a,b,c}: Expands to “a”, “b”, and “c”. {start..end}: Expands a alphanumerical range.
Prints: apple banana cherry
echo {apple,banana,cherry}
Prints: 1 2 3 4 5
echo {1..5}
15.7 Common Applications
15.7.1 Remove the extension (.zip) from all the filenames
Note: the – protects against filenames that begin with - and would appear to be an option otherwise.
for f in *.zip; do mv -- "$f" "${f%.zip}"; done
15.7.2 Replace extension (.foo to .bar) for all filenames
for f in *.foo; do mv -- "$f" "${f%.foo}.bar"; done
15.7.3 Remove prefix abc_ from all filenames
for f in abc_* ; do mv -- "$f" "${f#abc_}"; done
15.7.4 Replace all spaces with underscores
for f in *\ *; do mv -- "$f" "${f// /_}"; done
15.7.5 Convert filenames to all lowercase
for f in *[[:upper:]]*; do mv -- "$f" "${f,,}"; done