19  Appendix 2: Simulations of Model Performance Bias and Variance by Resampling Techniques

19.1 General Setup

Load libraries



19.2 DGP

Function to generate n_obs of simulated observations

  • DGP is linear on all x + normal error with sd = irr_err
  • y is simple sum such that all coefficients = 1
  • features are correlated based on sigma
simulate_DGP <- function (n_obs, n_features, irr_err, mu, sigma){

  x <- MASS::mvrnorm(n_obs, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma) |> 
    magrittr::set_colnames(str_c("x", 1:n_features)) |> 
  x |> 
     mutate(y = rowSums(t(t(x)*b)) + rnorm(n_obs, 
                                        mean = 0, 
                                        sd = irr_err))

19.3 Simulation settings

n_sims <- 1000  # number of simulations
n_obs <- 300 # number of observations

n_features <- 20
mu <- rep(0, n_features)
sigma <- matrix(.3, nrow = n_features, ncol = n_features)
diag(sigma) <- 1
irr_err <- 10
b <- rep(0.5, n_features) # no b0 so set to 0
# first call so that we can set up recipe
df <- simulate_DGP(n_obs, n_features, irr_err, mu, sigma) 
rec <- recipe(y ~ ., data = df)

rmse_combined = NULL  # to store RMSE for all methods

19.4 Get simulation dfs

dfs <- rep(n_obs, n_sims) |>
  map(\(n_obs) simulate_DGP(n_obs, n_features, irr_err, mu, sigma))

19.5 What is the TRUE model performance

The irreducible error is set to 10 but our model will have some reducible error too so the true performance of our model will be worse than 10

  • The DGP is linear
  • but we only have 300 observations
  • and we have 20 features

Lets fit many models of n = 300 (the size of our final model) and assess performance in really big samples of new data (ah the luxury of simulated data!)

# models based on full n for each simulation run
models <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) linear_reg() |> fit(y ~ ., data = df))

# big samples of held out data for high precision assessment of models
# 1 for each model
outs <- rep(10000, n_sims) |> 
  map(\(n_obs) simulate_DGP(n_obs, n_features, irr_err, mu, sigma))

# list of predictions for out from each model
preds <- map2(models, outs, \(model, out) predict(model, out))

# get mean rmse in big held out data set for 1000 full n models
# should be very precise
rmse_true <- map2_dbl(outs, preds, \(out, pred)  rmse_vec(out$y,
                                                      pred$.pred)) |> 

message("True RMSE = ", rmse_true)
True RMSE = 10.3728762850761

Parallel processing for resampling methods with fit_resamples()

cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE))

19.6 Validation set

19.6.1 80/20 split

Here we simulate repeated use of the validation set approach to assess our model performance

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) validation_split(df, prop = .80)) |>   # validation set split
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarise = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "val_set_80") |>       # label results in df
Warning: `validation_split()` was deprecated in rsample 1.2.0.
ℹ Please use `initial_validation_split()` instead.

19.7 50/50 split

Here we simulate repeated use of the validation set approach to assess our model performance

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) validation_split(df, prop = .50)) |>   # validation set split
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "val_set_50") |>       # label results in df

19.8 K-fold

19.8.1 Simple 5-fold

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) vfold_cv(df, v = 5)) |>   # 5-fold
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "5-fold") |>       # label results in df

19.8.2 Simple 10-fold

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) vfold_cv(df, v = 10)) |>   # 10-fold
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "10-fold") |>       # label results in df

19.8.3 3x 10-Fold

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) vfold_cv(df, v = 10, repeats = 3)) |>   # 3x10-fold
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "3x10-fold") |> # label results in df

19.9 Bootstrap Resampling

19.9.1 10 resamples

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) bootstraps(df, times = 10)) |>   # 10 boots
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "boot_10") |>       # label results in df

19.9.2 100 resamples

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) bootstraps(df, times = 100)) |>   # 100 boots
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "boot_100") |>       # label results in df

19.9.3 1000 resamples

rmse_combined <- dfs |> 
  map(\(df) bootstraps(df, times = 1000)) |>   # 1000 boots
  map(\(split) linear_reg() |> fit_resamples(resamples = split, 
                                              preprocessor = rec,
                                              metrics = metric_set(rmse))) |> 
  map(\(fits) collect_metrics(fits, summarize = TRUE)) |> 
  list_rbind() |> 
  mutate(method = "boot_1000") |>       # label results in df

19.10 Summarize

rmse_combined |> 
  group_by(method) |> 
  summarize(rmse_mean = mean(mean),
            rmse_sd = sd(mean),
            n = n())
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  method     rmse_mean rmse_sd     n
  <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl> <int>
1 10-fold         10.4   0.442  1000
2 3x10-fold       10.4   0.436  1000
3 5-fold          10.5   0.455  1000
4 boot_10         10.7   0.491  1000
5 boot_100        10.7   0.451  1000
6 boot_1000       10.7   0.449  1000
7 val_set_50      10.8   0.672  1000
8 val_set_80      10.5   0.985  1000

19.11 Plot sampling distributions

rmse_combined |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = mean, color = method)) + 
  geom_density() +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = mean(rmse_true)),
            color = "blue", linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 1)