65 Check Participant’s Data by Subid
- In folder GitHub >> analysis_risk2 >> staff_scripts >> “data_report_by_subid.Rmd”
- Once opened, change the subid to the one that you need
- Scroll down to the very bottom of the script, and hit “run all the above chunk” to run everything above
You are now done getting the data frame.
To see that participant’s data, click on data frame begin with “sub” in the environment. To see their daily surveys compliance, click on “sub_daily”.
If you want to only look at this participant’s daily survey response, you can use the following code:
- all_daily %>% filter(subid == “1261”, survey_slug == “daily_survey”)
To further narrow down the date they completed the survey, you can either click on the “survey_complete_date” column name in the data frame and scroll down to the dates you want to see or using the following code:
- all_daily %>% filter(subid == “1261”, survey_slug == “daily_survey”) %>% filter(str_detect(survey_complete_date, “2022-04-06|2022-04-07”))
The “|” symbol in the code above indicates “or”. If you’d like filter by more dates, simply add “|” in the code and add the date you would like to see. You can change the subid or dates in red according to the needs.