12 Daily Update
12.1 Formatting Notes
General Formatting
• Brackets are used to describe skip and branching logic
• Response options in circles are forced choice, response options in check boxes are select all that apply
• < page break > is used to denote page breaks in STAR surveys
• Bolding is used to for emphasis or to highlight discrepancies (e.g., items with timeframes that conflict with the instruction text)
Instruction Text
• For surveys with items that are questions, instructions start with “The next set of questions ask about…”
• For surveys with items that are statements, instructions start with “Listed below are….” In addition, instructions describe how to select responses (e.g., “Select how much you agree with each statement”)
• By default, instruction text is on its own page
Survey Headers
• Survey headers are texts that are displayed on the top of every page in a survey and that specify times or qualifiers that apply to all questions (e.g., “In the past month…”)
• Ellipses end all survey headers
Item text
• Parentheses are used to list examples
• First person is only used in statements (i.e., not questions)
Response Option Defaults
Response options are in ascending order (e.g., No -> Yes, 0 -> 10, None -> Extreme)
Likert scales have 5 response options and use the following options for each type of response:
Frequency response options are: Never> Rarely> Sometimes> Most of the time> Always
Quantity response options are: Not at all> Slightly> Moderately> Considerably> Extremely
Agreement scale: Strongly Disagree > Mildly Disagree > Equally Agree and Disagree > Mildly Agree > Strongly Agree ### Daily Update (Content) Instructions
12.2 Content
This survey asks about your recent drug use, medication assisted treatment, mood, and daily experiences. Several questions ask about using drugs “for non-medical reasons” which means using drugs to feel intoxicated or high. It is possible to use a drug you are prescribed for non-medical reasons, for example, by taking more than prescribed.
< page break > 1. Have you used any opioids for non-medical reasons that you have not yet reported?
o No
o Yes
< page break >
Please select the time(s) that you have not yet reported when you used opioids for non-medical reasons: [Display if Q1 is Yes]
< page break >
Thinking about the past 24 hours…
- Which of these drugs have you used for non-medical reasons? Select all that apply.
– Alcohol
– Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, K2, spice, etc.)
– Stimulants (cocaine, meth, speed, ecstasy, molly, Adderall, etc.)
– Inhalants (nitrous, glue, petrol, paint thinner, etc.)
– Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Rohypnol, etc.)
– Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, special K, etc.)
– None of the above
Thinking about the past 24 hours…
Did you take your daily medication for opioid use (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone, Buprenorphine, etc.). as prescribed?
o Yes
o No, I missed a dose
o No, I am using a monthly medication (e.g., Vivitrol)
o No, I am no longer prescribed medication for opioid use
< page break >
Thinking about the past 24 hours…
Think about the worst pain you experienced. How painful was it?
No pain Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely
Think about the greatest urge you had to use opioids. How strong was it?
No urge; Mildly; Moderately ; Considerably; Extremely
Think about the riskiest situation you experienced (people, places, or things that interfere with your recovery). How risky was it?
No risky situation; Mildly; Moderately; Considerably; Extremely
Think of the biggest hassle or most stressful event you experienced. How stressful was it?
No hassle/stressful event; Mildly; Moderately; Considerably; Extremely
Think of the most pleasant or positive event you experienced. How pleasant was it?
No pleasant/positive event; Mildly; Moderately; Considerably; Extremely
< page break >
Thinking about the past 24 hours…
How did you sleep?
Very badly; Badly; Neutral; Well; Very well
Thinking about the past 24 hours…
How depressed have you felt?
Not at all; Mildly; Moderately; Considerably; Extremely
How angry have you felt?
Not at all; Mildly; Moderately; Considerably; Extremely
How anxious have you felt?
Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely
How relaxed have you felt?
Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely
How happy have you felt?
Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely
< page break >
Now thinking forward to the next week…
How motivated are you to completely avoid using opioids for non-medical reasons?
Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely
How confident are you in your ability to completely avoid using opioids for non-medical reasons?
Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely
< page break >
End of Survey Message Thank you! You have now completed the daily update.