41  First Payment Letter

Note, to performm the mail merge from the focus blue uplod file, you must use the word document version of this letter which is saved at P:\studydata\risk2\administration\financial

«First_Name» «Last_Name»
«City», «State» «Postal_Code»

January 6, 2023

Dear «First_Name»,

Thank you again for joining the STAR study. Enclosed please find the materials for your first payment. There are two payment related tasks we would like you to complete: 1. Activate your study debit card by following the instructions enclosed with the card. Your first payment of $20 has been added to the card and will be available immediately after activation.
Keep this card safe, as all future payments will be loaded on this card. 2. Please fill in the top half of the enclosed W-9 form (highlighted fields) and mail back to us using the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope.

If you prefer, you can fill out the form EXCEPT leave the social security number (SSN) field blank, and text or email us a photo of the completed form. Then, call us at 608-262-1362 to give us your SSN securely. It is safest to send social security numbers by mail or phone call, not by text or email.

You must return this W-9 form before we are able to issue any further payments.

We are also including some flyers about this project, if you know others who might be interested.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at star@psych.wisc.edu or 608-262-1362.

STAR Study
University of Wisconsin-Madison