27 STAR App Data
27.1 Obtaining Raw Data
Download the gps, sms / call, and survey data through the website by logging in as an administrator (like survey admin) then clicking on the Site Settings button from the homepage and clicking on the Data Exports button. When you click Run for each export, it will download the most current data in the database. There should already be data in each export.
Create your own Test Site account:
App site: https://test.chess.wisc.edu/star
Enter in Test Site ID: 4867
ADMIN account details:
Click “Login” under “Already a participant?” and enter credentials from LastPass (admins only)
27.1.1 Automating Downloads
See git repo for the scripts used to download data for this project. This section contains general descriptions of the process.
From Adam:
Here are some instructions for automating the data exports using HTTP requests.
The script you create will need to make an HTTP POST request to the following URL for the test site: https://test.chess.wisc.edu/star/data-exports/query/run Once we have the live site fully set up, I will send you the URL for it and you just need to switch out the URL in the script.
I recommend the program Postman for testing HTTP requests, particularly POST requests.
You will need to pass the following parameters to <Website URL>/data-exports/query/run
token: A user access token that is generated when a user logs in and who has access to the data exports.
file_type: Type of file returned. Takes one of the following: “csv”, “xlsx”, “json”
query: MySQL query to run on the database. Will only allow read-only queries e.g. SELECTSee the attached screenshot for how that would look in Postman.
The easiest way to get a user access token and a query to automate is to use what already exists in the Star site’s data exports.
Log into the site and navigate to the Site Settings > Data Exports page.
Open the browser’s Developer Tools / Inspector (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, etc) or Web Inspector (Safari) by right clicking on some text and clicking Inspect or Inspect Element. Click on the Network tab. This tab records what network requests are made. Click the Run button next to the export you would like to automate.
You should see one or two rows appear in the Network tab called “run” or “data-exports/query/run”. If there are two, look for the one whose Request Method is “POST”. Depending on the browser, you may need to select Persist Logs to have them appear. After you find the row, look for the Request Payload or Request to see what parameters were passed in the HTTP Request.
Once you have the request data, copy the token, file_type, and query to your script or copy them to Postman and click “Send”. You should get a 200 response status code with the data in the response body / payload. After that, you are good to go (in theory)!
If you encounter problems, let Adam know. Also, this involves working directly with the MySQL database without you really knowing what columns/data are available to you. If you have questions, feel free to ask and I can give you more information about the database structure.
Thank you,
AdamP.S. The user access token will persist until the user manually logs out. If a user simply closes the browser, they will not be logged out and the token should last forever. If you run into problems with the token expiring (i.e. a status code of 403, unauthorized), let me know.
P.P.S. You can use normal read only MySQL syntax in your queries such as SELECT, JOIN, UNION, GROUP BY, ORDER BY. One thing to note, for tables, you will need to wrap them in { } which is not standard MySQL syntax. We use prefixes on the tables and the curly braces sort of skirt around that issue.
27.1.2 SMS/Voice
- SMS is pushed to the server immediately on opening the app and messages can be deleted by users within 30 days after which they will be ‘frozen’ on the server.
From Adam…
- You can use the following to filter SMS data http requests by guid and date:
- https://test.chess.wisc.edu/star/logging/get-sms-calls-by-user?type=%25&show_deleted=false&user_guid
- For “sort_by”, you can leave that blank or not even include the sort_by=. It will default to logs being listed by the send_date from most recent to least recent. You can also use the following options: “” => sent date desc then create date desc “create_date asc” => Logs from least recent to most recent create dates “create_date desc” => Logs from most recent to least recent create dates “sent_date asc” => Logs from least recent to most recent sent dates “sent_date desc” => Logs from most recent to least recent sent dates [Describe final sampling rate and characterize battery usage]
27.1.3 GPS
Further updated information recorded for each location to help in debugging location tracking issues. The following fields are encoded to save database space.
hacc: Horizontal accuracy in meters
spd: Speed in meters
ii: Is app interactive aka open or has notification (0 = false, 1 = true)
ipsm: Is device in Power Saving mode (0 = false, 1 = true)
ic: Is device charging (0 = false, 1 = true, -1 = not known) (Android 23 API+)
iibo: Is app ignoring battery optimizations (0 = false, 1 = true, -1 = not known) (Android 23 API+)
idim: Is app in Device Idle Mode (0 = false, 1 = true, -1 = not known) (Android 23 API+)
lsm: Location Power Save Mode (-1 not known, integer, for values see documentation) (Android 28 API+) (Experimental - not sure what this does yet)
For more information about ““hacc”” and ““spd”“, see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Location
For more information about ““idim”“,”“ii”“,”“ipsm”“, and”“iibo”“, see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/PowerManager
For more information about ““ic”“, see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/BatteryManager
For ““lsm”“, see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/PowerManager#getLocationPowerSaveMode()” ### Daily Video Check ins From Adam…
Like the other downloads, you can make a request to a url. This will provide you with information about the video check-ins collected. There is a colum called “video_checkin_remote_storage_url” which provides you with the location of the file. You will need to make a request to that URL to download the file.
GET Parameters:
<token>: Must be a valid user token. This user needs to have the User Administrator permission enabled. <file_type>: The type of file to download. Takes “json”, “csv”, or “xlsx”. Defaults to “csv” if none is provided
27.1.4 Storing Raw Data
Data will be stored in aggregate and downloaded on a schedule (e.g., weekly). There will not be subject-level folders in the raw data folder.
Dynamic survey analyses will be done on data pulled directly from the CHESS server and not stored raw on our server.