36  Risk2 Consent Onboarding

36.1 Overview of Running Consent/Onboarding

The Study Staff running the session calls the potential participant at the appointment time. If they answer the call, study staff greets them, then ascertain they are in a safe and private place to complete the phone-visit before proceeding. Reschedule if needed.

Using the Consent/Onboarding Session Script (See below), study staff will then provide a brief overview of the study and reconfirm eligibility.

If the potential participant is still eligible, study staff will proceed with the session script and enroll the participant, then help them install the STAR app.

After participants give Consent using the Consent/Onboarding Qualtrics Form, they will be automatically redirected to the Onboarding Qualtrics, which will serve as our enrollment database. It is used to collect the consent signature, participant contact/mailing information, cell phone payment information, MAT start date, participant demographics, and DOB.

Once participants complete this form, they are enrolled in the study, and the STAR app download will begin automatically.

36.2 Steps To Complete BEFORE Successful Onboarding Session

  1. Verify participant’s name and phone number from Google calendar. When you dial out using a desk phone, you need to hit 1+1 prior to entering their 10 digit number. (Sometimes it will take 1+10 digit, but other times it fails, so 1+1 is safest)

  2. Find the reminder text in google voice. Prepare the link to the consent form as a text ready to send (but don’t send until the script tells you to do so). Copy & paste both the text and qualtrics link below (everything on the next line):

STAR Study Consent Form: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6zzSu1ddmyfH46G

  1. Make sure you have the script & FAQ open

  2. Sometimes a participant might tell you something that will make it necessary to end the call without enrolling them. Examples of this are if they say they have been abstinent from opioids or have been on MAT for years (they are supposed to be within 1 month of quitting), or that they own more than one phone. In this case you might say:

Thank you for that information. Unfortunately, _______ means you won’t be able to participate in the study, so we won’t be able to proceed with this call, as the study requires that you _______ . But thank you very much for your interest and have a good rest of your day. [Insert the reasons they gave and the requirement of the study]

36.4 Steps To Complete AFTER an Onboarding Session

Click here for the next steps you need to take after a visit