14  Monthly Survey

14.1 Formatting Notes

General Formatting

• Brackets are used to describe skip and branching logic

• Response options in circles are forced choice, response options in check boxes are select all that apply

• < page break > is used to denote page breaks in STAR surveys

• Bolding is used to for emphasis or to highlight discrepancies (e.g., items with timeframes that conflict with the instruction text)

Instruction Text

• For surveys with items that are questions, instructions start with “The next set of questions ask about…”

• For surveys with items that are statements, instructions start with “Listed below are….” In addition, instructions describe how to select responses (e.g., “Select how much you agree with each statement”)

• By default, instruction text is on its own page

Survey Headers

• Survey headers are texts that are displayed on the top of every page in a survey and that specify times or qualifiers that apply to all questions (e.g., “In the past month…”)

• Ellipses end all survey headers

Item text

• Parentheses are used to list examples

• First person is only used in statements (i.e., not questions)

Response Option Defaults

  • Response options are in ascending order (e.g., No -> Yes, 0 -> 10, None -> Extreme)

  • Likert scales have 5 response options and use the following options for each type of response:

    • Frequency response options are: Never> Rarely> Sometimes> Most of the time> Always

    • Quantity response options are: Not at all> Slightly> Moderately> Considerably> Extremely

    • Agreement scale: Strongly Disagree > Mildly Disagree > Equally Agree and Disagree > Mildly Agree > Strongly Agree ### Daily Update (Content) Instructions

14.2 Content Global Instructions

This is the monthly update. It consists of different surveys that ask about aspects of your life and your recovery including the people you talk to and the places you go, your household, personal support network, opioid use, other drug use, drug treatment services, life events, and emotions.

Completing this will take about 20 minutes and you will receive a $10 payment for completing it.

Please read through all questions carefully and answer them honestly. All of your responses will be kept completely private.

< page break >

The term “opioid” in these surveys refers to prescription opioids (like Oxycontin or Vicodin), synthetic opioids (fentanyl), and heroin. Below is a list of commonly used terms for these substances:

Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, oxy, percs, O.C., rims, tires, greenies)

Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, vike, bananas, fluff, hydros)

Morphine (Kadian, Duramorph, MS Contin, miss Emma, monkey, white stuff, M)

Codeine (lean, captain Cody, little C, schoolboy)

Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, buse, sobos, strips, oranges) Hydromorphone (Dilaudid, Exalgo, smack, dillies, footballs, juice)

Methadone (Methadose, Dolophine, tootsie roll, red rock, mud, dolls)

Oxymorphone (Opana, biscuits, mrs. O, O bomb, octagon)

Tramadol (Ultram, chill pills, trammies, ultras)

Fentanyl (Sublimaze, Actiq, apache, goodfella, TNT)

Heroin (black tar, black pearl, black, china white, dope, white lady, smack, snow, speedball)

< page break >

When we ask about your use of opioids or other drugs, we often use the term “non-medical reasons.” When you see this term please think about your use of drugs to feel intoxicated or high. This includes taking more of a drug than you were prescribed, taking it more frequently than prescribed, or using a drug for reasons other than it was prescribed for.

< page break > Demographics

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks for some general information about your current life.

< page break >

  1. Which of the following have changed in your life in the past month? Select all that apply.

    – School enrollment (enrolled, dropped out, or graduated) – Employment status (changed jobs or hours, retired, or lost job) – Living arrangement (changed where you live or who you live with) – None of the above [if selected, jump to question 4]

< page break >

  1. Are you currently enrolled in school? [Display if “school enrollment” selected in Q1] o No
    o Yes

< page break >

  1. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? [Display if “employment status” selected in Q1]

    o Employed, working 1-39 hours per week

    o Employed, working 40 or more hours per week

    o Not employed, looking for work

    o Not employed, NOT looking for work

    o Retired

    o Disabled, not able to work

    < page break >

  2. Are you currently in a committed romantic relationship?

    o No [Skip RAS go to WHOASSIST]
    o Yes

< page break >

  1. What is your current living arrangement? [Display if “living arrangement” selected in Q1]

    o Living alone [Skip to end of demographic survey]

    o Living with family/others

    o Homeless shelter

    o Homeless unsheltered

    o Sober living/halfway house

    o Other

< page break >

  1. Who do you live with? Select all that apply. [Display if “living arrangement” selected in Q1 and “living alone” not selected in Q6]

    – Spouse/significant other

    – Child/grandchild

    – Parent

    – Other relative

    – Non-relative

< page break >

Do you live with anyone who…

[Display Q7-Q10 if “living arrangement” selected in Q1 and “living alone” not selected in Q6]

  1. Uses opioids for medical reasons (uses opioids as prescribed by their doctor)?

    o No
    o Yes

  2. Uses opioids for non-medical reasons (uses opioids to feel intoxicated or high)?

    o No
    o Yes

  3. Uses drugs other than opioids for non-medical reasons (do not include tobacco or alcohol)?

    o No
    o Yes

  4. Uses alcohol excessively (very frequently or in large amounts)?

    o No
    o Yes

14.3 < page break > Relationship Assessment Scale

[This scale will be skipped by participants who indicate they are not in a relationship across Q4 of the monthly demographics survey]

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks you to think about your relationship with your partner in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month

  1. How satisfied have you been with your relationship?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. How often have there been problems in your relationship?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  3. How often have you wished you hadn’t gotten into this relationship?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

< page break > Drug Use – Monthly

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks about your experience using drugs for non-medical reasons in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month

  1. Which of the following drugs have you used for non-medical reasons? Select all that apply.

    – Alcohol

    – Combustible tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, little cigars, pipe, hookah, bidis)

    – Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette, e-vaporizer, vape pen, e-hookah, hookah pen)

    – Opioids (heroin, fentanyl, oxy, etc.)

    – Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, K2, spice, etc.)

    – Stimulants (cocaine, meth, speed, ecstasy, molly, Adderall, etc.)

    – Inhalants (nitrous, glue, petrol, paint thinner, etc.)

    – Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Rohypnol, etc.)

    – Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, special K, etc.)

    – None of the above [If selected, skip to Q5]

< page break >

In the past month

2_1. How often have you used alcohol? [display if alcohol is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_1. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Alcohol? [display if alcohol is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_1. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Alcohol? [display if alcohol is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

In the past month

2_2. How often have you used Combustible tobacco products? [display if Combustible tobacco products is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_2. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Combustible tobacco products? [display if Combustible tobacco products is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_2. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Combustible tobacco products? [display if Combustible tobacco products is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_3. How often have you used Electronic cigarettes? [display if Electronic cigarettes is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_3. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Electronic cigarettes? [display if Electronic cigarettes is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_3. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Electronic cigarettes? [display if Electronic cigarettes is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_4. How often have you used Opioids? [display if Opioids is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_4. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Opioids? [display if Opioids is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_4. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Opioids? [display if Opioids is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_5. How often have you used Cannabis? [display if Cannabis is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_5. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Cannabis? [display if Cannabis is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_5. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Cannabis? [display if Cannabis is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_6. How often have you used Stimulants? [display if Stimulants is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_6. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Stimulants? [display if Stimulants is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_6. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Stimulants? [display if Stimulants is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_7. How often have you used Inhalants? [display if Inhalants is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_7. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Inhalants? [display if Inhalants is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_7. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Inhalants? [display if Inhalants is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_8. How often have you used Sedatives or sleeping pills? [display if Sedatives or sleeping pills is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_8. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Sedatives or sleeping pills? [display if Sedatives or sleeping pills is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_8. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Alcohol? [display if alcohol is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

2_9. How often have you used Hallucinogens? [display if Hallucinogens is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

3_9. How often have you had a strong desire or urge to use Hallucinogens? [display if Hallucinogens is selected in Q1]

Never Once or twice Weekly Almost daily or daily

4_9. Have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of Hallucinogens? [display if alcohol is selected in Q1]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

In the past month

  1. Which of the following types of opioids have you used? Select all that apply. [display if opioids selected in 1]

    – Fentanyl (Sublimaze, Actiq, apache, goodfella, TNT)

    – Heroin (black tar, black pearl, black, china white, dope, white lady, smack, snow, speedball)

    – Medication for opioid treatment (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone, etc.)

    – Prescription opioid not for opioid treatment (OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, Opana)

  2. How did you take opioids for non-medical reasons? Select all that apply. [display if opioids selected in 1]

    – Oral (swallow, chew) – Smoke (chase) – Sniff or snort – Injection (IV, muscle, under skin) – Other _______

  3. Have you overdosed while taking opioids (passed out and/or given naloxone, treated by EMT, or went to a hospital)? [display if opioids selected in Q1] o No o 1 time o 2 – 3 times o 4 – 5 times o More than 5 times

14.4 < page break > Medication & Treatment Adherence

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks about medications, counseling, or other forms of treatment that you have used to help your recovery from opioids in the past month.

< page break >

  1. What type of medication for opioid use are you currently taking?

    o Medication taken daily (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone)

    o Medication taken monthly (e.g., Vivitrol)

    o I am not taking any medications for opioid use [If selected, skip to Q11 (withdrawal, self-help)]

    o Medication taken daily (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone) and medication taken monthly (e.g., Vivitrol)

< page break >

  1. What type of medication will you continue to take after this month as your primary medication? [Show if “daily and monthly” selected in Q1]

    o Medications that are to be used daily (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone)

    o Medications that are to be used monthly (e.g., Vivitrol)

< page break >

3.Which daily medication are you taking? [display if “Daily” selected in Q1 or Q2]

o Buprenorphine (Bunavail, Suboxone, Zubsolv, Subutex)

o Methadone (Methadone Intensol, Methadose, Diskets)

o Naltrexone (Revia)

o Other: _____

< page break >

  1. Which monthly medication are you taking? [Show if “Monthly” selected in Q1 or Q2]

    o Buprenorphine injection (Sublocade)

    o Naltrexone injection (Vivitrol)

    o Other: ______

< page break >

5_1. Did you take Buprenorphine injection (Sublocade) in the past month? [Display if “Buprenorphine injection” selected in Q4]

o No

o Yes

5_2. Did you take Naltrexone injection (Vivitrol) in the past month? [Display if “Naltrexone injection” selected in Q4]

o No

o Yes

5_3. Did you take your monthly medication in the past month? [Display if “Other” selected in Q4]

o No

o Yes

< page break >

6_1. How often did you take Buprenorphine (Bunavail, Suboxone, Zubsolv, Subutex) in the past month? [Display if “Buprenorphine” selected in Q3]

Never Rarely Sometimes Most days Every day

6_1. How often did you take Methadone (Methadone Intensol, Methadose, Diskets) in the past month? [Display if “Methadone” selected in Q3]

Never Rarely Sometimes Most days Every day

6_3. How often did you take Naltrexone (Revia) in the past month? [Display if “Naltrexone” selected in Q3]

Never Rarely Sometimes Most days Every day

6_4. How often did you take your daily medication in the past month? [Display if “Other” selected in Q3]

Never Rarely Sometimes Most days Every day

< page break >

  1. It can be hard to take medication for opioid use. What has made it hard for you? Select all that apply.

    – I forget to take it

    – I lose my medication

    – It’s too expensive/it’s not covered under my insurance

    – Trouble getting it due to a lack of reliable transportation

    – I do not like how the medication makes me feel

    – The side-effects are unpleasant

    – I do not think I need it anymore

    – I want to be able to get high

    – I do not like my doctor/clinic/treatment provider

    – Other______

< page break >

In the past month

  1. How much have you experienced side-effects while taking your medication for opioid use?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

  1. How effective do you think your medication for opioid use is? [Skip if monthly or daily is not selected in Q1]

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. How likely are you to continue taking your medication for opioid use? [Skip if monthly or daily is not selected in Q1]

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

In the past month

  1. How much have you experienced opioid withdrawal symptoms?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

In the past month

  1. How often have you attended self-help meetings like AA or NA?

    Never Less than weekly Weekly/near weekly Daily/near daily

< page break >

  1. How effective do you think your self-help meetings (NA/AA) are? [Skip if Never is selected for Q15]

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. How likely are you to continue attending your self-help meetings (NA/AA)? [Skip if Never is selected for Q15]
    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

In the past month

  1. How often have you attended other individual or group counseling sessions (not including AA or NA meetings)?

    Never Less than weekly Weekly/near weekly Daily/near daily

< page break >

  1. How effective do you think your counseling is? [Skip if Never is selected for Q18]

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. How likely are you to continue attending your counseling sessions? [Skip if Never is selected for Q18]

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

In the past month

  1. Have you taken psychiatric medication for depression, anxiety, or other mental health symptoms?

    o No

    o Yes

  2. Have you attended a detox program or other inpatient residential treatment for opioid use(e.g., short or long-term residential treatment, hospitalization, rehab)? o No

    o Yes

< page break > Mid-Survey Message

You are about half-way done with the monthly update! Complete it to receive a $10 payment.

< page break > Abstinence Confidence/Efficacy Questions

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks about your recovery goals over the past month and in the next month.

< page break >

Thinking about the past month

  1. How satisfied are you with your progress toward achieving your opioid recovery goals?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

Thinking forward to the next month…

  1. How motivated are you to completely avoid using opioids for non-medical reasons?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. How confident are you in your ability to avoid using opioids for non-medical reasons?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

In the next month…

  1. Do you intend to completely avoid using any other drugs (besides opioids)?

    o No

    o Yes

< page break >

In the next month…

  1. Select the drugs below that you are trying to completely avoid using. Select all that apply. [Skip if Never is selected for Q4]

    – Alcohol

    – Combustible tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, little cigars, pipe, hookah, bidis) [If selected; skip to end of survey]

    – Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette, e-vaporizer, vape pen, e-hookah, hookah pen) [If selected; skip to end of survey]

    – Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)

    – Stimulants (cocaine, meth, speed, ecstasy, molly, Adderall, etc.)

    – Inhalants (nitrous, glue, petrol, paint thinner, etc.)

    – Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Rohypnol, etc.)

    – Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, special K, etc.)

    – Other __________

< page break > Brief Pain Inventory (Short Form, Modified)

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks about any pain you have experienced in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month…

  1. How bad has your pain been on average?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. How much has pain interfered with your enjoyment of life?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  3. How much has pain interfered with your general activity?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

< page break >

In the next month…

  1. What treatments or medications will you receive for your pain? Select all that apply. (Do not include medication you are receiving to help your opioid recovery efforts)

    – Opioid pain medications

    – Non-opioid pain medications

    – Surgical outpatient procedure (lidocaine injection, steroid injection, trigger point injection, medication pump, etc.)

    – Surgeries (spinal fusion, discectomy, arthroscopic, etc.)

    – Physical/occupational therapy

    – Alternative treatments (e.g., massage, yoga, acupuncture, meditation, herbal supplements, etc.)

    – No treatments or medications

    – Other

< page break >– Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32)

[Instructions:] Listed on the next page are problems that some people may experience. Select the response that best describes how much difficulty you have been having in each problem area. Think about your experiences in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month, how much difficulty have you had with…

  1. Depression, feeling hopeless

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  2. Fear, anxiety, or panic
    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  3. Confusion, loss of memory

None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  1. Disturbing thoughts or beliefs
    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  2. Hearing voices, seeing things

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

< page break >

In the past month, how much difficulty have you had with…

  1. Manic, bizarre behavior

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  2. Mood swings, unstable moods

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  3. Uncontrollable, repetitive behavior (e.g., eating disorder, hand washing, hurting yourself)

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  4. Sexual activity or preoccupation

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

  5. Controlling temper, outburst of anger, violence

    None at all Mild Moderate Considerable Extreme

< page break > Perceived Stress Scale

[Instructions:] The next set of questions ask about your feelings and thoughts in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month…

  1. How often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  2. How often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  3. How often have you felt that things were going your way?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  4. How often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

< page break > World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF 2)

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks about your quality of life in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month, how satisfied are you with…

  1. Your overall quality of life

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  2. Your physical health

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  3. Your mental health

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  4. Your sleep

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

< page break >

In the past month, how satisfied are you with…

  1. Your daily living activities

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  2. Your capacity for work

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  3. Yourself

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  4. Your personal relationships

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

< page break >

In the past month, how satisfied are you with…

  1. Your sex life

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  2. Your opportunities for leisure activities

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  3. The support you get from your friends

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  4. The conditions of your living place (e.g., your house, apartment)

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

< page break >

In the past month, how satisfied are you with…

  1. The conditions of your neighborhood

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  2. Your access to health services

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  3. Your access to transportation

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  4. Your ability to concentrate

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

  5. Your energy for everyday life

    Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

< page break > Social Connectedness

[Instructions:] The next set of questions asks about social support. Think about support you have given and received in person or online (e.g., over email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in the past month.

< page break >

In the past month, how often was there someone …
1. …who you could count on to listen to you when you needed to talk?

Never       Rarely      Sometimes       Often       Always
  1. …who gave you information to help you understand a situation?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  2. How often did you get support from someone in person (not over email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

< page break > In the past month, how often did others …

  1. . …count on you to listen when they needed to talk?
    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  2. . …get information from you to help them understand a situation?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

  3. How often did you give support to someone in person (not over email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

< page break > End of Survey Message

You have now completed the monthly update! You will receive an additional $10 in your next study payment. Thank you!

14.4.1 Social Contacts Survey

[Instructions:] The first questions ask you about the people you talked to or texted with on your phone over the past month.

Our automated system has identified phone numbers that you interacted with frequently. The system is not perfect; it may have identified phone numbers that you do not recognize. You will be able to tell us if the system has made an error.

[Display for each phone number identified as a frequent contact for the month]

You texted or spoke to a person whose phone number is $number several times in the past month. Recently, you $type with them on \(date. This person is saved in your contacts as **\)contact_name**. [Display last sentence only if the number is saved in contacts]

[Repeat context information on every page that asks about this person.]

  1. Which of the following best describes who this phone number belongs to?

    o Spouse or significant other o Person I take care of (e.g., my child) o Parent o Other family member (e.g., grandparent, sibling, cousin) o Friend o Mental health-related (e.g., a therapist or counselor, crisis line) o Work-related (e.g., a co-worker, my place of work) o Healthcare-related (e.g., a doctor or doctor’s office, a pharmacy) o Law-related (e.g., probation or parole officer, legal advocate, lawyer) o Financial-related (e.g., unemployment office, bank, debt collector) o Unknown number [If selected skip to end of survey] o None of the above [If selected skip to end of survey]

< page break >

You texted or spoke to a person whose phone number is $number several times in the past month. Recently, you $type with them on \(date. This person is saved in your contacts as **\)contact_name**. [Display last sentence only if the number is saved in contacts]

  1. How close are you with the person or people who you call and/or text with at this contact number?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  2. In general, how often are calls and/or text messages with this contact number pleasant?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always

  3. In general, how often are calls and/or text messages with this contact number unpleasant?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always

  4. In general, how much do calls and/or text messages with this contact number help your recovery from opioids?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  5. In general, how much do calls and/or text messages with this contact number harm your recovery from opioids?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

[Instructions:] The next questions ask you about the places you have gone more than once or spent the night at in the past month.

Our automated system has identified these places using the data you share with us. The system is not perfect; it may have identified places that you have not been. You will be able to tell us if the system has made an error.

You visited the place shown below, near $address, several times in the past month. Recently, you visited this place on $date. [display on map, repeat on every page]

  1. Which of the following best describes this place?

    o My home [If selected, skip to end of survey]

    o Someone else’s home

    o A shelter, group home, hotel, or other temporary place I stayed [If selected, skip to end of survey] o A restaurant, business, public place, or other non-residential place o I do not recognize this location or was just passing by [If selected, skip to end of survey]

< page break >

You visited the place shown below, near $address, several times in the past month. Recently, you visited this place on $date. [display on map]

  1. What do you do at this place? Select all that apply.

    – Work – Take classes – Religious or spiritual activities – Volunteer or do community service – Exercise or play sports – Spend time with friends – Spend time with family – Socialize with new people – Relax – Drink alcohol – Get mental health care (e.g., counseling, talk therapy, group therapy, support group) – Get medication for opioid treatment (e.g., Suboxone, Methadone, etc.) – Get physical health care – None of the above

< page break >

You visited the place shown below, near $address, several times in the past month. Recently, you visited this place on $date. [display on map]

  1. In general, how often is going to this place pleasant?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always

  2. In general, how often is going to this place unpleasant?

    Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always

  3. In general, how much does going to this place help your recovery from opioids?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

  4. In general, how much does going to this place harm your recovery from opioids?

    Not at all Mildly Moderately Considerably Extremely

14.4.2 Burden Survey

[Instructions:] Listed on the next page are statements that describe how people may feel about their experience with the STAR app and other study technology over the past month. For each statement, select how much you agree or disagree that the statement describes you.

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Thinking about the daily update

  1. Completing the daily update interfered with my daily activities.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  2. I disliked completing the daily update.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  3. Please share any positive or negative comments you have about the daily update.


< page break >

Thinking about the daily video check-in

  1. Completing the daily video check-in interfered with my daily activities.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  2. I disliked completing the daily video check-in.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  3. Please share any positive or negative comments you have about the daily video check-in.


< page break >

Thinking about the monthly update

  1. Completing the monthly update interfered with my daily activities.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  2. I disliked completing the monthly update.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  3. Please share any positive or negative comments you have about the monthly update.


< page break >

Thinking about sharing your GPS location data

  1. I disliked sharing my GPS location data.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  2. Please share any positive or negative comments you have about sharing your GPS location data.


< page break >

Thinking about sharing your phone call logs…

  1. I disliked sharing my phone call logs.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  2. Please share any positive or negative comments you have about sharing your phone call logs.


< page break >

Thinking about sharing your SMS logs and message text…

  1. I disliked sharing my SMS logs and message text.

    Strongly disagree Mildly disagree Agree and disagree equally Mildly agree Strongly agree

  2. Please share any positive or negative comments you have about sharing your SMS logs and message text.
