17 Wisc Mail
We will use email (star@psych.wisc.edu) for recruitment and as a back up method of communication with participants (e.g., if they are non-responsive to texts/calls/DMs). This study email is set up to receive notifications from the other study accounts: Doodle bookable calendar; STAR Help Account (Direct Messages); Reddit (UWISC_Research); Google Calendar (STAR Study); Qualtrics (Consent Form; Onboarding Form; Screening Survey Form; Training Form)
The STAR admin account is as follows:
Username: star_psych
Password: See RA Password Sheet (Lastpass for Admins)
This account can be checked directly by any user by navigating to http://wiscmail.wisc.edu/ and logging in. Note, if you are already logged in with your own NetID you will need to use an incognito window to access it.
This account is also used to log into the Doodle Calendar (MUST LOG IN THROUGH SSO).
Administration of this account (password security) can be done by Susan or Ali by navigating to https://email.wisc.edu/admin with our own NetIDs, and then choosing star@psych.wisc.edu from the list of mailboxes we are administrators of.
17.0.1 Study Email SOP
Main Inbox
Emails sent by Participants – Manually filtered
- The email should be flagged and REMAIN in the main in-box until the content of message has been dealt with appropriately
- Most emails from participants should be responded to via DM or Text Message
- If you are unsure how to respond, try to draft a response and pass to Ali or other study staff
- If the email requires more follow up than a DM response on the STAR app, post to the STAR admin
- Lastly, move the email to the !!Completed participant communication folder
Email sent by Potential Participants – Manually filtered
The email should be flagged and REMAIN in the main inbox until the content of message has been dealt with appropriately
Once the email has been responded to, the email should be unflagged and moved to the Recruitment folder
Voicemails – Manually filtered
- The email should be flagged and REMAIN in the main inbox until the content of message has been delt with appropriately
- Once the voicemail has been responded to, the voicemail should be unflagged and moved to either !!Completed Participant Communication or Recruitment folder
- If the Voicemail does not fit into either of the above categories, pass on to Ariela or other study staff
New Sign Ups – Manually filtered
Should be check during the Onboarding session, right after the participant says that they successfully created the account
If you do not see an email before the end of the call, ask the participant to verbally confirm that they were able to create an account
Once you get the email, click the link “View their account” and confirm that it is the correct account AND enter in their study id #
Lastly, move the email to the New Signup folder
!!!Scheduling – Automatically filtered
- If a participant reschedules, notify Ariela or other staff, post in the participant slack channel. Please be sure to specify…
- The original appointment date/time
- The new appointment date/time
- Type of appointment (onboarding/consent or one-week check-in)
- Which lab member was scheduled to run it
- NOTE. Do not include the participants name or any other identifying features
- If necessary, adjust who will complete the session. Be sure to update the Google calendar and slack message
- If a participant reschedules, notify Ariela or other staff, post in the participant slack channel. Please be sure to specify…
!!Completed participant communication – Manually filtered
This folder contains non-dm participant communication. All the emails in this folder should have been addressed and have a check-mark
Need to brainstorm ways to categorize participant communication.
!! Recruitment – Manually filtered
This folder contains communication from individuals who are NOT YET participants
May need to brainstorm ways to categorize participant communication
Advertising – Manually filtered
- Ariela/Susan addresses these!
Qualtrics Alerts
New Consent – Automatically filtered
MUST be checked during the Onboarding session, right after the participant says that they successfully created downloaded the app
Participant Subid will be displayed in the message
If there is an unexpected message (e.g., unexpected consent form from a participant), flag the message and alert Ariela/Susan
New Screening – Automatically filtered
Immediately check the google calendar and confirm that the participant was able to schedule a consent/onboarding appointment
- Make sure that someone has been assigned to complete the session
Flag the email
- Email can be marked as complete once the consent/onboarding session has been completed
New Sign Ups – Manually filtered
Should be check during the Onboarding session, right after the participant says that they successfully created the account
If you do not see an email before the end of the call, ask the participant to verbally confirm that they were able to create an account
Once you get the email, click the link “View their account” and confirm that it is the correct account AND enter in their study id #
If you see an error (e.g., unexpected sign-up, no email even though participant confirmed that they are logged in) alert Ariela/Other study staff to post in Admin Slack channel