2 Study Recruitment
2.1 Reach out to Orgs that support Opioid Recovery
A detailed outline of our procedure for this form of recruitment can be found:
A chart of organizations that we reach out to can be found in the RISK2 project_notebook
Starting November 2021, we will cold contact organizations that seem like they work either exclusively or mostly with people in opioid recovery. These organizations go by several different names. The most commonly used terms for these organizations are included below:
Types of Organizations: Recovery Community Org.; MAT Clinic; Opioid Treatment Programs; MAT Recovery Support; Recovery Resource Center/Organization; Sober Homes; Recovery Residence; Recovery Community Center; Recovery Cafe; Peer Support;
2.2 Aurora Health
Clinics around Wisconsin and Illinois
Aurora Health will establish initial communication with potential participants
Their research tech will complete the screening and will walk participants through the Consent/Onboarding Qualtrics
Once the STAR app is downloaded, the Aurora research tech will connect the participant to the STAR research tech to complete the onboarding process
Participants who successfully complete either the RedCap Screening survey or a screening phone call with the Aurora research associate (Bianca) will be scheduled by the Aurora research associate for a consent/onboarding session. Participants will be sent a unique RedCap Consent survey once the Aurora R.A. has established that they are still eligible.
After they give consent, the Aurora R.A. will call the Star Study Staff. The Aurora R.A. will leave the call and Star Stuff Staff will send the participant the Onboarding Qualtrics link via Google Voice. ###