47  Compliance Check Instructions

(The purpose of this SOP is to provide step-by-step instructions on how to conduct weekly participant compliance checks and message non-compliant participants.)

47.1 Instructions

  1. Go to GitHub
  • Pull origin from the analysis_risk2 repository
  1. Open R
  • Go to files and open Github > analysis_risk2 > staff_scripts > check_compliance.Rmd
  • Run check_compliance.Rmd through the chunk titled “Review periods (last 2 per sub)
  • Optional: open the “last 2 periods” data frame in a new window
  1. Open a New Page in a Note-taking App
  • Missing Monthly (due the 15th)
  • Missing Monthly (due the 30th)
  • Missed Dailies (payment date: 15th)
  • Missed Dailies (payment date: 30th)
  • Consider Dropping
  • Potential Compatibility Issues
  • Withdrawn But Still Showing Up on Data Frame
  • Recommended Messages
  • Changes Since Last Message
  1. Check Monthly Compliance
  • In the “last 2 periods” data frame, scroll to the column “monthly_completed”
  • Scroll down the column until you find a participant who is missing a monthly update
    • Indicators of a missing monthly update:
      • Participant’s last two periods show “0, 0” when read from top to bottom
      • Participant’s last two periods show “0, NA” when read from top to bottom
    • Scroll to the left to find the participant’s subID and payment date
    • Add subID to the corresponding category in the notes sheet
    • Continue checking until you reach participants in their 11th month, as they may not have any monthly updates left
  1. Check Daily Compliance
  • In the “last 2 periods” data frame, scroll to the column “daily_missed”
  • Scroll down the column until you find a participant who has missed 8+ daily updates this month.
    • Indicators of missed daily updates
      • For participants whose study month is 15+ days (ex. Payment date is the 30th and you are checking compliance on the 22nd)
        • Look at the past two periods when calculating missed daily updates (add the two rows together)
    • For participants whose study month is <15 days (ex. Payment date is the 30th and you are checking compliance on the 8th)
      • Look only at the most recent period (the top row of the participant’s two rows)
      • Do not calculate missed daily updates for participants whose study month is <8 days, as they will not qualify for any warning messages regardless of how many updates they have missed so far that month
    • Scroll to the left to find the participant’s subID and payment date
    • Add subID and the number of missed updates to the corresponding category in the notes sheet
    • Continue checking until you reach participants in their 11th month, as they may not have to do all of the daily updates depending on their study end-date
  1. Do a Slack Check
  • Go to Slack and open the risk2_admin channel
  • Find the thread for the first participant you added to the notes sheet
  • Add extenuating circumstances in parentheses next to the participant’s subID on the notes sheet
  • Extenuating circumstances to mark
    • Recently got a new phone
    • Having technical difficulties
    • Death of a loved one
    • Sickness
    • Incarceration for a period of time
    • On pause.
  • We do not send warning messages to participants with these extenuating circumstances
  • Repeat for all participants marked on the note sheet
  1. Do a STAR Check
  • Open star.achess.wisc.edu and login
  • Click on the “today’s progress” bar
  • Click on “select a user”
  • In the drop-down menu, find the first participant marked in the note sheet
  • Check the participant’s calendar and confirm they have missed the number of daily or monthly updates that was indicated in the R data frame
  • Repeat for all participants in the notes sheet
  1. Check Changes Since Last Message
  • Find list of participants who received messages the previous week
  • Open star.achess.wisc.edu and login
  • Click on the “today’s progress” bar
  • Click on “select a user”.
  • In the drop-down menu, find the first participant who received a message the
  • previous week
  • Check the participant’s calendar to see how many updates they have missed since the message and add to the note sheet
  • Repeat for all participants who received messages the previous week
  • If a participant received a message the previous week and missed no updates since, but is still supposed to get a message during the current compliance check, do not send the message, as we do not want to punish participants who comply with warning messages
  1. Create List of Recommended Messages
  • Under the “recommended messages” section in the notes sheet, create a list of participants who missed updates and have no extenuating circumstances
  • For each participant in the list, add the type of message they will receive, the number of updates missed, and their payment date
  1. Create “Consider Dropping” Category
  • In the note sheet, add participants to this category who are supposed to get a second red warning
  • Comment in their thread in risk2_admin “consider dropping because ___”
  1. Post Note Sheet Lists to training_risk2 channel on Slack
  2. Send Warning Messages
  • In STAR, go to “peer support” and open “direct messages”
  • Copy and paste message and subject and fill in relevant information
  • Before sending a participant a message, check the data frame to make sure you have written the correct number of updates missed and added the correct payment date
  • Send
  1. Add to training_risk2 Thread with the Recommended Messages You Send Crossed Off

47.2 Sample Note Sheet

Compliance Check 4/13
Missing Monthly (due the 15th)
1280: getting dropped
1221: on pause
Missing Monthly (due the 30th)
1223: tech issues
1173: tech issues
1172: got a new phone
Missed Dailies (payment date: 15th)
1313: missed 15
1281: missed 12 - tech issues
1280: missed 29 - getting dropped
1279: missed 11
1257: missed 20
1255: missed 17 - got a new phone
1236: missed 11
1235: missed 19
1216: missed 17
1213: missed 17
1201: missed 18
1186: missed 14
1182: missed 16
1163: missed 17 - tech issues
1162: missed 19
1149: missed 26
1132: missed 11
1111: missed 16 - tech issues
Missed Dailies (payment date: 30th)
1301: missed 14
1298: missed 14
1292: missed 14
1287: missed 13
1265: missed 13
1223: missed 14 - tech issues
1210: missed 11
1173: missed 12 - tech issues
1172: missed 11 - got a new phone 1153: missed 14
1145: missed 13
Consider Dropping
1280: supposed to get second red warning today
Withdrawn But Still Showing Up on Data Frame
Recommended Messages
1182: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1289: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1244: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1228: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1226: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1225: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1174: gentle monthly (compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1313: yellow warning (missed 15, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1257: yellow warning (missed 20, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1236: yellow warning (missed 11, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1235: red warning (missed 19, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1213: yellow warning (missed 17, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1201: red warning (missed 18, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1186: red warning (missed 14, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1162: yellow warning (missed 19, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1149: red warning (missed 26, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1132: yellow warning (missed 11, compliance period 3/15 - 4/15)
1301: yellow warning (missed 14, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1298: yellow warning (missed 14, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1292: yellow warning (missed 14, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1287: yellow warning (missed 13, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1265: yellow warning (missed 13, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1210: yellow warning (missed 11, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1153: yellow warning (missed 14, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
1145: yellow warning (missed 13, compliance period 3/30 - 4/30)
Changes Since Last Message
1287: still no monthly 1162: completed monthly
1166: missed 0
1163: missed 2